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When you feel like "YOU HAVE JUST HAD ENOUGH"

Stress can be a scary feeling. It is so easy to get all tied up in a million different things that once. You want to do so much, and you just don't have enough time to fit anything in. We have all experienced being overwhelmed (and if you haven't I'm jealous of you) and when we enter those crazy times it can sometimes feel like we have no control over anything. I am here to share with you some things I do to alleviate stress during those times when you feel like "YOU HAVE JUST HAD ENOUGH".

Make a schedule

Now this might seem like a very obvious tip but it seriously true. I find myself most productive when I make a schedule. The best way to manage your time is to lay everything out and set up time blocks to get it all done. When you have a schedule it holds you accountable and makes you more motivated to finish each task. Having a schedule also reduces a ton of stress because it helps you stay organized. It is so beneficial to know when you are going to complete all the things you have to do. Little post-its or notes in your phone can really go a long way.

Go outside

Sometimes all you need is a little fresh air to lighten up the mood. Taking five to ten minutes out of your day to just go outside can literally do so much. The sun gives off Vitamin D which is necessary for your health. A little bit of pure vitamin D can minimize all the anxiety that you might be feeling. Another cool fact about the sun is it stimulates your brain to produce more serotonin which is a mood-lifting chemical that has extreme benefits. I've done some research on serotonin and it is said to be quiet important in terms of mood regulation. Serotonin is mostly produced in your brain but can also increased by your diet. Some examples of foods that help increase serotonin levels are eggs, pineapple, tofu, salmon, and cheese. This brings me to my next point about eating good foods during times of stress.

Feed your body the right foods

Especially during stressful times, it is so easy to cheat and start to eat unhealthy. Late night cramming sessions can lead to bad habits, but it is so important to stay on track. Your body is actually in its most vulnerable state so it is crucial to hold yourself accountable with your diet during these time periods. Feeding your body the right foods helps you think better and stay focused on your goals.

Do things that make you happy

Even though you probably have a lot going on it is so important to treat yourself. If you create a schedule then you will be able to fit time in to do what you love. For me, I make sure that I always have time to go to the gym or doing something active. It is a great outlet for me and helps me release

tension. However, there are plenty of other things you can do, going to the gym is just an example of what I do. You can also do things like getting your nails done, watching an episode of your favorite Nextflix show, or even just getting out of the house and going out to lunch. You can't spend an entire day only doing work. Taking an hour or two out of your day to do something that makes you happy really lightens up the mood and helps you destress.

Look at the big picture

The last and most important tip is to look at the big picture. Don't sweat the small stuff. A bunch of small and unimportant things can all add up and cause unnecessary stress. Take time to think about how will these events or deadlines affect you in the long run. Will all this mater in a week? A month? A year? You have to realize that although stress is inevitable it will help you grow and develop life skills. Like I said before, don't sweat the small stuff. Life is too short to let those small things take over your life. Enjoy every day and remember you can do it!

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